Source code for cross_correlation_graph

from collections import Counter
from itertools   import combinations
import json
import networkx  as nx
import warnings

[docs]class CrossCorrelationGraph(object): """CrossCorrelationGraph for computing correlation between clusters Attributes ---------- window : float Threshold for the window size in seconds correlation : float Threshold for the minimum required correlation graph : nx.Graph Cross correlation graph containing all correlations Note that each node in the graph represents an 'activity signature' to avoid duplicates. The NetworkDestinations corresponding to each signature are stored in the 'mapping' attribute. Note ---- IMPORTANT: The CrossCorrelation.graph object is an optimised graph. Each node does not represent a network destination, but represents an activity fingerprint. E.g. when destinations A and B are both only active at time slices 3 and 7, then these destinations are represented by a single node. We use the self.mapping to extract the network destinations from each graph node. This is a huge optimisation for finding cliques as the number of different network destinations theoretically covers the entire IP space, whereas the number of activity fingerprints is bounded by 2^(batch / window), in our work 2^(300/30) = 2^10 = 1024. If these parameters change, the complexity may increase, but never beyond the original bounds. Hence, this optimisation never has a worse time complexity. mapping : dict NetworkDestinations corresponding to each node in the graph """
[docs] def __init__(self, window=30, correlation=0.1): """CrossCorrelationGraph for computing correlation between clusters Parameters ---------- window : float, default=30 Threshold for the window size in seconds correlation : float, default=0.1 Threshold for the minimum required correlation """ # Set parameters self.window = window self.correlation = correlation self.mapping = dict() self.graph = nx.Graph()
[docs] def fit(self, cluster, y=None): """Fit Cross Correlation Graph. Parameters ---------- cluster : Cluster Cluster to fit graph, cluster must be populated with flows y : ignored Returns ------- result : self Returns self """ # Compute cross correlations within cluster correlations, self.mapping = self.cross_correlation(cluster) # In case of correlation <= 0 if self.correlation <= 0: # Create a fully connected graph self.graph = nx.complete_graph(list(self.mapping.keys())) # In case of correlation > 0 else: # Create graph self.graph = nx.Graph() # Add nodes of graph self.graph.add_nodes_from(list(self.mapping.keys())) # Add edges of graph for (u, v), weight in correlations.items(): if weight >= self.correlation: self.graph.add_edge(u, v, weight=weight) # Return self for fit predict method return self
[docs] def predict(self, X=None, y=None): """Fit Cross Correlation Graph and return cliques. Parameters ---------- X : ignored y : ignored Returns ------- result : Generator of cliques Generator of all cliques in the graph """ # Get cliques cliques = nx.find_cliques(self.graph) # Return generator over cliques return (set.union(*[self.mapping.get(n) for n in c]) for c in cliques)
[docs] def fit_predict(self, cluster, y=None): """Fit cross correlation graph with clusters from X and return cliques. Parameters ---------- cluster : Cluster Cluster to fit graph, cluster must be populated with flows y : ignored Returns ------- result : Generator of cliques Generator of all cliques in the graph """ # Perform fit and predict return
######################################################################## # Export # ########################################################################
[docs] def export(self, outfile, dense=True, format='gexf'): """Export CrossCorrelationGraph to outfile for further analysis Parameters ---------- outfile : string File to export CrossCorrelationGraph dense : boolean, default=True If True export the dense graph (see IMPORTANT note at graph), this means that each node is represented by the time slices in which they were active. Each node still has the information of all correlated nodes. If False export the complete graph. Note that these graphs can get very large with lots of edges, therefore, for manual inspection it is recommended to use dense=True instead. format : ('gexf'|'gml'), default='gexf' Format in which to export, currently only 'gexf', 'gml' are supported. """ if dense: # Get graph graph = self.graph # Initialise human-readable mapping of nodes mapping = dict() # Fill mapping for node in graph: # Initialise info info = { 'window': list(sorted(node)), 'ips' : set(), 'certs' : set(), 'labels': Counter(), } # Loop over corresponding network destinations for destination in self.mapping.get(node): info['ips' ] = info.get('ips' , set()) |\ destination.destinations info['certs' ] = info.get('certs' , set()) |\ destination.certificates info['labels'] = info.get('labels', Counter()) +\ destination.labels # Remove None from certificates info['certs'] = info.get('certs', set()) - {None} # Transform sets into lists info['ips' ] = list(info.get('ips' , set())) info['certs'] = list(info.get('certs', set())) # Store mapping as text mapping[node] = json.dumps(info, sort_keys=True) # Relabel nodes graph = nx.relabel_nodes(graph, mapping) # Make graph not dense else: # Get non-dense graph graph = self.unpack() # Transform network destinations to human readable format # Initialise mapping mapping = dict() # Loop over all nodes in graph for node in self.graph: # Loop over network destinations for each node in graph for destination in self.mapping.get(node): # Initialise info info = { 'window': list(sorted(node)), 'ips' : list(destination.destinations), 'certs' : list(destination.certificates - {None}), 'labels': destination.labels, } # Store mapping as text mapping[destination] = json.dumps(info, sort_keys=True) # Relabel nodes graph = nx.relabel_nodes(graph, mapping) # Export graph to file if format.lower() == 'gexf': nx.write_gexf(graph, outfile) elif format.lower() == 'gml': nx.write_gml(graph, outfile) else: # Warn user of unknown format warnings.warn("Unknown export format '{}', defaulting to 'gexf'" .format(format)) # Export as gexf nx.write_gexf(graph, outfile)
[docs] def unpack(self): """Unpack an optimized graph. Unpacks a dense graph (see IMPORTANT note at graph) into a graph where every NetworkDestination has its own node. Note that these graphs can get very large with lots of edges, therefore, for manual inspection it is recommended to use the regular graph instead. Returns ------- graph : nx.Graph Unpacked graph """ # Initialise non-dense graph graph = nx.Graph() # Fill non-dense graph with nodes for node in self.graph: # Loop over network destinations for each node in graph for destination in self.mapping.get(node): # Add destination as a separate node graph.add_node(destination) # Fill non-dense graph with edges for node in self.graph: # Loop over network destinations for each node in graph for source in self.mapping.get(node): # Add all edges in between nodes for destination in self.mapping.get(node): # No self-loops if source == destination: continue # Add all source-destination edges graph.add_edge(source, destination, weight=1) # Add all edges to other nodes for connected in nx.neighbors(self.graph, node): # Get edge get_edge_data data = self.graph.get_edge_data(node, connected) # Get all destinations for destination in self.mapping.get(connected): graph.add_edge( source, destination, weight=data.get('weight') ) # Return result return graph
######################################################################## # Compute cross correlation # ######################################################################## def cross_correlation(self, cluster): """Compute cross correlation between clusters Parameters ---------- cluster : Cluster Cluster to fit graph, cluster must be populated with flows Returns ------- correlation : dict Dictionary of cross correlation values between each NetworkDestination inside cluster. mapping : dict Mapping of activity fingerprint -> clusters """ # Initialise correlation correlation = dict() # Get activity of samples activity = self.activity(cluster) # Get inverted mapping mapping = dict() for destination, active in sorted(activity.items(), key=lambda x: x[0].identifier): mapping[frozenset(active)] =\ mapping.get(frozenset(active), set()) | set([destination]) # Compute cross correlation values for x, y in combinations(mapping, 2): # Compute cardinality of union union = len(x & y) # If a union exists add correlation if union: # Compute intersection intersection = len(x | y) # Add correlation correlation[x, y] = union / intersection # Return result return correlation, mapping def activity(self, cluster): """Extracts sets of active clusters by time. Parameters ---------- cluster : Cluster Cluster to fit graph, cluster must be populated with flows Returns ------- mapping : dict Dictionary of NetworkDestination -> activity """ # Get samples X = cluster.samples # Compute start time start = min(x.time_start for x in X) # Initialise mapping of NetworkDestination -> activity mapping = dict() # Loop over all network destinations for destination in cluster.clusters(): # Loop over each flow in destination for flow in destination.samples: # Compute activity per flow activity = set() # Loop over all timestamps for timestamp in flow.timestamps: # Compute activity for each timestamp activity.add(int((timestamp - start) // self.window)) # Add activity to mapping mapping[destination] = mapping.get(destination, set()) | activity # Return activity mapping return mapping